Wednesday, 15 January 2025

The 19 JKD Attributes

 The 19 JKD Attributes

1. Awareness

To see the opponent's intentions

2. Sensitivity

To feel the opponent's intentions

3. Proper Mental Attitude

Combination of calm, confidence, and Killer Instinct

4. Body Mechanics

Knowing how and where to position the body at all times, using no wasted motion

5. Strength

Ability to overwhelm an opponent through manipulation

6. Footwork

Putting oneself where one needs to be at all times by shuffling forward and back, sidestepping and circling

7. Speed

Perception of initiation and performance of an action

8. Power

Combination of strength and speed - ability to use your strength quickly

9. Timing

Ability to launch an attack at the proper moment

10. Coordination

Performing a movement with efficiency, ease, and balance

11. Balance

Correct body alignment during motion - controlling one's centre of gravity

12. Spatial Relationships

Control over distances - range

13. Agility

Being light on one's feet with limberness and quickness

14. Stamina

Combined endurance and wind

15. Conditioning

Taking punishment to hands, stomach, thighs, shins

16. Rhythm

Deals with faking, cadence breaks, changing tempos, etc

17. Precision

Accuracy and exactness in the projection of force

18. Explosiveness

Relaying destructiveness in a sudden manner

19. Flow

Combination of awareness and sensitivity - uninterrupted concentration