Personal development
The root and core of this Art is Self Preservation, an aspect of Personal Development
The finer points of the different Systems we train in are Self Perfection
The Foundation of our Art is Self Protection
Our Art is based on Street Fighting and all that is entailed in it
What is needed to deal with a street fight
and how best to approach it
The central theme of:
1. Entering
2. Stop Hits
3. Interception
4. Destructions - to close the gap safely
5. Straight Blast
6. HKE - Headbutts, Knees, Elbows
7. Trapping
8. Low line kicking
9. Eye jabs
10. Groin slaps
11. Boxing
12. Groundfighting
the Foundation on which to build
Self preservation and street combat
Self perfection and personal growth
The central theme of Self Preservation is the Foundation upon everything which everything we do is bult
It can be applied to any Art
This is not just a conglomeration of techniques
The ability to take someone out of commission in a very violent manner
- without this the rest of the accumulated knowledge will lack potency
Explore complete violence to be completely at peace with yourself
Once one has the Central Theme, they will then be able to rest of the Arts and Systems, their subtleties, nuances, and diversities
As one progresses, they can add, according to personal preferences, elements of those different Arts to their own central theme, which will be highly individualised, and lead to a lifetime of personal development and growth
Research your own experience
Absorb What is useful
Discard what is useless
Add what is speficically your own
- Bruce Lee
Each man practices as he feels inclined
- Miyamoto Musashi