Wednesday, 15 January 2025

 DEM of NINJATO with live blade - Iai, Kamae and Sabaki, movement and cuts

DEMO of Ninjato against Katana using Bokken

which leads into


Punch attack
Double hand choke claw attack
Kick attack

Sumi gaeshi dumog
Under hook whizzer
knee kick and leg buckle
high and lo kick
TD throw buckle

these KOPPO are not exact "techniques", apart from when we flow into something specific like GANSEKI - they are the Concepts manifested through KAMAE and SABAKI - training examples to develop Attributes - the NINJA way

DEMO of NEWAZA and the Ground Bud

Concept for the PINS and the Submissions, being Straight Arm, Bent Arm and Choke


Scarf Hold
Side Mount
Take Back
Upa to Guard
Pass Guard
Take Mount

CRA Hubud - Standing use of the locks and chokes

NEXT time we do MAT Newaza will follow from this Concept Dem


ABC drills


Isolation progressive sparring

Following the JKD referencing and posts, it can now be seen how LHK is Fencing without a sword