Thursday 24 September 2009


Though there are about 100 throws in Jujutsu and 40 that made the Judo gokyo, we have 10 primary combat throws which we will practice on the mats.

The first 5 are hip throw:

O Goshi - Major Hip Throw
Koshi Guruma or Cross hip or Hip Wheel
Tai Otoshi - body drop
Uchi mata - inner thigh throw
Harai goshi - sweeping hip throw

Seoinage - shoulder throw or flying mare

O Soto Gari - major outer reap
O Uchi Gari - Major inner reap

Morote Gari - double leg takedown
Single leg takedown

However as you progress through your training you will encounter many other throws. Some you will want to add to your personal repertoire, which is to be encouraged.

Shihan Mifune 10th Dan Judo lists over 100 throws in his texts. Coming from Jujutsu, these can all be classified as Judo throws.

Here are some of my favourite secondary throws:

Okuri ashi harai
Kata guruma - shoulder wheel
Soto makikomi
Tani otoshi - valley drop
Tomoe nage - stomach throw
Kani basami - crab scissors
Kuchiki taoshi - rotten tree fall

and three from wrestling:

belly-belly suplex
belly-back suplex
rice bail

The rice bail appears in Judo as tawara gaeshi.
It is an excellent counter to morote gari attack from a shooter.

Belly back suplex appears in Judo as corner drop

Kuchiki is similar to aikido's irimi nage, though here we use an o soto step to block the back of the opponent's leg.

In Tomiki shomen ate is another variation of this technique.

That's 3 different variations from 3 different arts - Judo, Aikido, and Tomiki - arts that all stem from JJ.

That's what the eclecticism of STMA is all about!