Wednesday 16 September 2009

We now have our own Forum:

Shiro Tora White Tiger Martial Arts Forum

As you'll see, we have actually had this set up for some time but are just now launching it for club use.

It is a members only forum, it can't be read by the public, and membership has to be approved by an administrator. If you look at it now it looks blank, but once your membership is approved and you log in you will have access to the boards.

It will be a good place for me to post information regarding the club and classes, and to discuss techniques and training through the week between sessions. We have used these before at other clubs we've run and students found them really useful. Also, if you miss a session, you will be able to catch up with what happened. It's a lot easier than texting and emailing each other individually as we've been doing a lot of recently.

You can join the Forum from this page:
Join Shiro Tora Forum

Once registered, your login details will be emailed to you. Then once I've approved your account, you'll be in.

See you all at The Forum!