Tuesday, 15 September 2009

July ad

Unarmed Combat-Self Protection - Threat Response - Street Fighting

This is real time one-on-one CQC training, taken from our core arts of Karate, Jujutsu and Wing Chun.

Backed up by Impact and sparring training in Freestyle Kickboxing and weapons training and defence from Kobudo – Eskrima.

Practical, realistic Self Protection, Threat Awareness and Threat Reponse for the streets of Britain in the 21st Century.

Learn from a 6th degree Black Belt with over 30 years training experience and almost 10 years frontline experience on the doors of Britain’s pubs and clubs.

Kicks, Punches and Counterattacks
Headbutts, Knees, Elbows (HKE)
Chokes and Strangles – Locks and Controls
Throws and Takedowns – Ground and Pound
HIA, Trapping, Energy Drills and Chi Sao
Boxing, Kickboxing, Grappling and Vale Tudo
Stick and Knife – Sword and Staff – Nunchaku and Tonfa
Self Protection – Street Fighting – Unarmed Combat

Classes held at Caterham Methodist Church,
Coulsdon Road, Caterham-on-the-Hill
(near Tescos)

7 – 9 pm Thursdays £5 a session.

email: ShiroToraTiger@yahoo.co.uk
website: ShiroToraTiger.blogspot.com

Strictly over 18s!
Because of the content of what we practice and teach, our classes are only suitable for persons aged 18 and over.

Hit Hard – Hit Fast – Hit First!