We will now ONLY do orders at the start of each month, for convenience and to co-incide with members getting paid.
We will consider special one-off orders if there is an urgency, but do consider you will incur the entire P&P yourself.
For a special order such as a punchbag it would actually be better to do a seperate order and I will arrange for it to be delivered to your house, rather than me carry it to the club.
P&P (Postage and Packing) is £7.62. We split the cost between those of us ordering. If 3 people order it will work out as £2 each.
The next kit order will be Friday 2nd November 2009. Bring your order and payment to either the Wed 31 or Thu 1st class, I will place the order on Fri 2nd, and it will be here for the following week's class.
Starter pack £30
You need bag gloves for impact and basic sparring £15. You need a pair of sticks for basic kobudo £15. If you're not sure what to get first, get this pack.
Boxing/ Full Contact
To go into the FC structure of drilling and sparring you need boxing gloves £20. This covers you for boxing, kickboxing and Thai boxing, 3 new dimensions of sparring.
A pack of boxing gloves, inner gloves and a gumshield £25.
Shinguards are not mandatory, but a good idea £10.
A full FC kit will cost £35.
Groinguards are £10.
Judo gi £30
You need a jacket and belt for advanced grappling. You can grapple in T shirt or sweatshirt, but advanced grappling involves the use of the sleeve and collar. Also the gi is hygenic - it keeps your sweat in and his sweat out. I always grapple in a gi.
You have to wear something so why not invest in a gi?
The gi pants can also used for normal class training. They can be bought seperately for £10. Better and cheaper than tracksuit bottoms.
Judo pants or cuffed "kung fu" pants are £10 - they are better and cheaper than track bottoms.
Boxing boots £30. Better and cheaper than trainers. Good trainers cost 2 or even 3 times as much. These boots are light, soft soled, ideal for kb sparring and suitable for mats.
Thai shorts £10.
MMA kit
MMA gloves £25. Fingerless bag gloves £10.
For those wanting to go beyond sticks into new dimensions of weapons training.
Bokken £8 - Jo £10 - Bo £12 pack of each £30
Shinai £20 - Rattan Bo £24
Tonfa £20 pair - foam tonfa £10 pair
Nuncha foam/rope £5 foam/chain £7 wood/chain £7.50
Other gear
Check Blitz.com see what they have there. Email me a page reference and their quoted price and I'll see what discount I can get you.