Saturday 15 October 2022


FRIDAY Summary

Pretty much a full dark session though still mild temperature - we expect it to be dark for the rest of the month up til Camp, and it may get colder, nothing we have not seen at the end of the Season in previous years

Too damp to go to Ground so focus on Weapons with reference to TD where relevant

BO, Jo, Bokken and double sticks in the drills

8 step as in Krabi Krabong

Bo v sword
Bo v double short swords
Jo v sword
Sword v sword
Sword v double short sword

The relevance of the 2 count Kali Sinawalli as it appears in the long weapons

The Sabaki where we drop in kneeling in the thrust and cut, later used in Hanbo


While referring to the KIHON we have used in many previous sessions, which are done against a punch, knife, or kick, we used the first Kukushin scroll which is defence against short sword Wakizashi attack usually angle 5 Tsuki thrust

Grab release
Keri Kudaki into strike
Elbow lock and break
Interception as in Biken sword Kata


Unarmed defence against the Sword

Coming away from KUKISHIN we went back to DAITO Ryu to review and breakdown the first three TACHI Dori Sword Taking as they appear in Aiki Jutsu

UNARMED Dakentaijutsu

Used the 5 step format from KUKISHIN against the punch and kick attacks with relevant lock or throw finish

This KOPPO training is to link the Weapons drills in the four weapons into defences against the Unarmed attacks - keeping in mind that these were originally developed from battlefield techniques in armour

The KOMUGAKURE Ryu school in Ninpo uses armour in its techniques, developed from TOGAKURE RYU and GYOKKO Ryu into KOTO Ryu, where the clothing worn is part of the defence as well as the striking tools

There are many modern GOSHIN Uses of body armour, military, motorbike suits and helmets, under armour worn by bodyguards and security, etc, which one can choose to acquire and wear

(We made a reference to Batman's costumer being the ultimate example of modern Ninja armour)