Thursday 27 October 2022


Savate set 3.1

against jab, cross - parry, slip
lo/hi hook, cross, fouette bas, spin revers

The opponent attacks J/C

In box set 4 we circular parry the jab into our own C, the combo being C, H, C
In this set we circular parry and use the forward motion to slip outside the attacker's cross
use the glove to cover
the move is like the outside parry in Kempo, used to set up the strike combo

In box set we have J/C/H/U - the hook gets us into close range were we stay and use the RU
In KB we want to get out to long punch range or kick range

In KB set 2 use the J/C/H/C combo
this sets up J/C/H/ sok where the last C becomes the sok elbow
as well as the backfist set where the last C is the jump C
here we have the opponent JC, we double H, then C

Low/Hi hooks - hit body, bounce to head
This is a box ABC and can end the fight at this point

Move back to kick range with fouette bas, longest weapon to closest target
Spin revers to finish