Saturday 15 October 2022


We referenced the issue of training outside in the dark, as we did tonight

KORYU Traditionall - Samurai met and did battles in daylight, often starting at dawn. Duels were fought at dawn. This is not unique to Japan as every culture did this, as can be seen in films such as Braveheart, Troy, pretty much anything with historical battles. This is Traditional battle, get a nights sleep, have breakfast, put your armour on, get out to the battlefield for the whistle.

The NINJA, which is where we source the bulk of our training and strategy did it a different way. Go kill the enemy in his sleep, take him by surprise, use distraction and deception. Don't give him the advantage of turning up at a set time and place under set conditions

So NINJA missions were conducted at night, wearing black, in the dark - and so were a large portion of the training sessions

It takes a while to get used to the dark, and you do so through continuous drilling in the dark - fighting indoors with light was a rare circumstance, though that is covered in two of the Ryu

By fighting in the dark, the Ninja had a massive advantage over the Samurai who were used to daylight battles - wearing all black made them hard to see and track, not to mention the deceptive movements - that and the element of surprise Ninjutsu employed, as the Samurau were waiting for a time and place, daylight, a command to start, basically they waited dor the whistle to blow or the bell to ring for the start of the round

And the myth ariound the Ninja meant that everyone was scared of them, when a Samurai saw a Ninja he wanted to flight, not fight, which aids the Ninja escape - all the Ninja wants to do is escape and get out of there, why go after him and die, just let him go

Batman example again - the criminals were all scared of him

How many drunk idiots don't want to risk a fight with a bouncer

Examples in competition being Mike Tyson or Royce Gracie, the men who believed they were invisible almost didn't try and lost, the men who didn't believe it beat them

GOSHIN Modern - the application is mainly from our time on Nightclub Security

Fights were outside in the street in the dark, with varying street lights, on hard concrete

Fights were inside, on a darkened dance floor, wood, with dim and varying lights

Ninjutsu, more than any other system, works best for Security personell working in those circumstances - bouncer, doorman, door supervisor, nightclub security, on the door

The techniques are secondary to the tactics in any real Martial Art

Bouncers are not allowed to use weapons in the line of duty the way the Police do - so there are many banned Modern weapons that bouncers do not use

Knuckle dusters
ASP extendable batons Tokusho Keibo
Pepper spray, CS gas, etc - modern examples of Metsubishi

As for Modern Self Defence - though you can be attacked and have a fight during the day, the most common and likely attacks are going to be at night, if not inside a pub or somewhere similar, outside on the street, outside the Chip Shop on a Friday night - in the dark, on a hard surface, in whatever clothes you are choosing to wear, and whatever weapons you are choosing to carry

STMA is about taking the Traditional Koryu arts that we have trained in over the last six decades that go back centuries in the scrolls passed down through the Soke, with the modern applications used in Security work, specifically the Nightclub doors around the turn of the Century

Self Defence for the Streets of Britain in the 21st Century