Thursday 20 October 2022


If we take the STMA Judo Randori as being the first 17 of the Gokyo

Next 3:

Yoko Guruma - against headlock
Tani Otoshi - from punch duck and rear waist clinch
Sukui Nage - appears in a Kempo set

takes us to 20, which is half of the Gokyo

We then have these:

O Soto Otoshi
O Soto Guruma - Hip Wheel
O Soto Makikomi - the throw stalls so wrap the arm
Ashi Guruma
O Guruma

Soto Makimoni - the "Remco" throw from UFC 2
Tomo Nage
it's variation Sumi Gaeshi
Kata Guruma
Ura Nage

That brings us to 30 - so there are then just 10 more throws left to complete the Gokyo

From the 67, which have the additional 27 advanced throws, we already have 7:

Morote Gari - Double leg td
Kuchiki taoshi
Kibisu gaeshi
Kani Basami - "crab" leg scissors
Tawara Gaeshi
Daki Age
Ippon Seoi Nage

which leaves us with 20 more to complete the whole Kodokan Nage syllabus