Just as Jujutsu was refined into JUDO, itself sectioned into Tachi Waza Standing techniques Throws, and Newaza Ground tecniques, Aiki Jutsu became refined as Aikido in the modern DOJO
Aiki Jutsu, in it's Combat form, comes mainly from the Daito Ryu
Traditional Iwama Uyeshiba Aikido where the first 10 waza are listed - a true "Martial Budo" school of non violence, they do not focus on self defence and there is no sparring or competition
Yoshinkan Aikido was developed by Shioda as a Combat/Self Defence system which uses the same Traditional sets - this is our primary interest - this style was adopted by the Tokyo Police
SHODOKAN Tomiki Aikido with the "Randori no kata" approach - this system uses more Judo concepts ad has a sparring/competition aspect - the Koryo Goshin no Kata is a set of 50 techniques that are derived from Aiki Jutsu
In Kyukushin Karate, while the Karate waza come from Shotokan and Goju, the SD section was sourced from Daito Ryu - few Kuk Dojo have passed on or practiced this aspect, except at the Hombu and high Dan level