Friday 9 December 2022



Kenpo Karate, in it's original syllabus, was laid out to not only cover a variety of attacks but in a way that was meant to grow the student and continually build upon what he learned before.

Just like a baby crawls before walking, Kenpo teaches you what you need to take your first steps and then get you running at full speed.

Yellow Belt is the first 10 beginner sets

Then, the techniques are laid out in three sets of 8 per belt level, to give 24 techniques for each belt

The first set reviews what you have already learned and introduces you to the foundation of the new level.

The second set of 8, introduces the core concepts and principles for the level.

The third set is designed to reinforce what you just learned as well as prepare you for the next rank.

The 8 per set are based on the 8 categories of attacks “prioritized according to the degree of difficulty in handling the attack“.

Finally, system ends at 3rd Black.

Ranks above 3rd degree are based on time in rank and contribution to the art.

While there is still much more to learn after 3rd degree you are not ‘required’ to learn any new material past 3rd degree