Thursday 22 December 2022


The Daito Ryu is passed down in scrolls, where modern Aikido schools use a belt syllabus up to 3rd dan, same as Karate, Judo, Jujutsu, etc

As with Ninpo schools, the interest here is the scrolls and the list of techniques

In the modern practice, we have


Immobilisations 5
Projections 5

Advanced practice which varies


Randori 17

Koryo Goshin 50

Nage kata 7, 7, 11
Goshin Ho


Goshin Jutsu

After the Kihon, Kata and Kumite that make up the style, there is the GOSHIN practice based on the Daito sets


Kodokan Goshin Jutsu

This is the same set of techniques that are seen in Tomiki Shodokan in a different order, which is the connection to Judo and Tomiki Aikido

Most KARATE and JUDO players, because they focus on the syllabus of their school, the belt grades, and competition, do not generally learn the Goshin Jutsu - as most Sensei never learn them, they are then never taught and passed on within DOJO and organisations - a lot of KARATE and JUDO players, when exposed to Aikido for the first time think they are seeing something new and remarkable, when these are techniques they should have been taught all along

(again the comparison with people going to "BJJ" schools and not realising these techniques have been part of Judo Newaza all along)

The Daito scrolls:

1 Secret Syllabus (秘伝目録, Hiden Mokuroku) 118
2 The Science of Joining Spirit (合気之術, Aiki-no-jutsu) 53
3 Inner Mysteries (秘伝奥義, Hiden Ōgi)[30] 36
4 Techniques of Self Defense (護身用の手, Goshin'yō-no-te)[31] 84
5 Explanation of the Inheritance (解釈相伝, Kaishaku Sōden) 477
6 License of Complete Transmission (Menkyo Kaiden) 88

So without going into depth of another Ryuha we do not have full access to, we focus our STMA Aiki on the following


Yoshinkan 10

Shodokan Randori


Goshin Jutsu 50, which is the most comprehensive way to learn and practice these, as they are passed down, or should be, in Karate and Judo