Tuesday 27 December 2022


The old idea that Karate schools were formed

Shotokan from Shorin Ryu from Shuri Te
Goju from Shorei Ryu from Naha Te

with Wado fromTomari Te

and Kyokushin being drawn from Shotokan and Goju

is an over simplification, as shown above, and the Kata show the progression in its best form

Wado is based on Shotokan, and it's kata are all from that line. There is supposed to be a Shito Ryu influence on Wado, though none of the kata appear. 
The Jujutsu influence on Wado is what we see as the GOSHIN Kata seen elsewhere, Judo, Tomiki, Kyokushin

For this reason, despite the availability of Wado in the UK, and it being considered the fourth main style, there is nothing new to be gained that is not found elsewhere, and no obvious improvements

Shito Ryu is more popular and available in the US than the UK

Shukokai is based on Shito Ryu - though available in the UK, not as spread as the other styles. Shukokai does not use the Shotokan principle of low stance for beginners, high stance for Advanced, so starts everyone in high stances and has to develop power a different way, as the Korean styles do