Monday 9 January 2023



Nage no kata has 15 throws, so only 15 of the 40 Gokyo throws - once you have the Gokyo, do you separately need a Kata of these 15 throws to practice together

Katame no Kata is the same - 3 sets of 5 from pins, locks and chokes - as there are 10 chokes, 10 locks and 12 pins, this kata only covers half the techniques

Joshi goshinho, womens self defence - like the Gracie Pink Belt or Ninpo Kunoichi "10th skill set" - most arts, or schools, can list a set of techniques that would work better for women, Aikido, Karate, etc - in STMA we have the "Rogue Series"

Kime no kata covers SD - Taijutsu, knife muto and sword muto, similar to NINPO schools

Kodokan Goshinjutsu - as well as the 21 Taijutsu, there is one new modern technique each for stick, knife and gun, similar to the KENPO series for Storm, Lance and Rod

Go no, and Ju no kata - the hard and soft principles in Grappling respectively

Itsutsu - based on Shinyo, grappling without armour

Koshiki - based on Kito, grappling in armour

Seiryoku Zen'yō Kokumin Taiiku - body conditioning, like Ninpo Junan Taiso