Monday 9 January 2023



SILAT is the term for the fighting systems of Indonesia

There are over 150 listed systems of Silat

In JKD Community, the system founded and passed along by Dan Inosanto is called Maphilindo - Malaysia, Philipino, Indonesia

As with any Martial Art, Silat starts with Weapons training, the Unarmed systems coming after

Toya: Staff made of rattan, with wood and metal versions. 5–6 feet long, between a Jo and Bo

Tombak/Lembing: Spear or javelin made of bamboo, steel or wood

Parang: Machete-like chopper, 10 to 36 inches long

Golok: Heavy cleaver measuring 10-20 inches long, like a Machete

Pisau: short-bladed knife

Kris: Double-edged dagger

Celurit: A sickle, like a Kama

Tongkat/Galah: Short stick or cudgel

Pedang: Sword, single-edged and either straight or slightly curved. 15-35 inches, blade about 10 inches long

Klewang: Single-edge longsword

Chabang: Short-handled trident "branch"

Selendang: A length of silk that can be used for strangling, grappling and whipping

Kerambit: A small curved knife resembling a claw.

As we have a wealth of Weapon systems from Japan with NINPO and KOBUDO, Okinawa with KOBUDO, Kali from Philipines, and Krabi from Thailand, we would not look to source the entire range of Silat weapons, anymore than we do the extensive FMA or Thai weaponry - we would only look at something to incorporate where relevant eg Karambit

Stance and stepping - Kamae and Sabaki

langkah 8 penjuru "eight directions of steps" - much like Ba Gua

Jurus - forms like kata


punch (pukul)
kick (tendang)
elbows (sikut),
knees (dengkul or lutut),
shoulders (bahu),
fingers (jari) - Bil Jee
feints (tipuan)
sweeping (sapuan)
scissors takedown (guntingan) - like Kanibasami


Blocks (tangkisan)
evasion (elakan)
deflections (pesongan)

The concept of using the elbow and knee to destroy the limb, Taking The Fang as in Kali, appears