Monday 9 January 2023

KALI - FMA Weapons


A full comprehensive list of FMA Kali Weapons

Impact weapons:

Baston, olisi, yantok: stick ranging from twenty-four to twenty-eight inches long

. Kamagong (ironwood or ebony) and bahi (heart of the palm) charred and hardened sticks for heavy combat

Largo mano yantok: longer stick ranging from twenty-eight to thirty-six inches

Dulo y dulo: short stick about four to seven inches in length, held in the palm of the hand

Bankaw: six-foot pole - like a rattan Bo

Dagas: Wooden dagger measuring 12 to 14 inches

Panangga: shield

Improvised weapons:

Wood planks, steel pipes, umbrellas, flashlights, rolled-up magazines/ newspapers, books, cell phones, tennis rackets, butt of billiards cue, bottles, coffee mugs, chair legs, tree branches or twigs, etc.

Edged weapons:

Baraw or Daga- knife or dagger.

Baraw and Daga can be used either as Solo Baraw or Solo Daga
Doble Baraw or Doble Daga associated with the
double knife fighting systems Olisi Baraw
sword and dagger fighting systems Espada y Daga.

Daga/Cuchillo (Spanish for dagger and knife) or Baraw/ Pisaw: daggers or knives of different shapes and sizes

Balisong: butterfly knife or fan knife

Karambit: claw-shaped Indonesian blade held by inserting the finger into a hole at the top of the handle

Bolo: a knife/sword like a machete

Pinuti: a type of sword from Cebu, like a Sundang but elongated

Iták or sundáng: a farm or house hold bladed implement

Barong: wide flat leaf-shaped blade

Binakoko: long blade

Dinahong palay: narrow blade shape similar to a rice leaf

Kalis: Larger, thicker Filipino kris

Kampilan: fork-tipped sword, popular in the southern Philippines

Sibat: spear

Improvised weapons:
Icepicks, box cutters, screwdrivers, scissors, broken bottles, pens, car keys

Flexible weapons:

Sarong: a length of fabric wrapped around the waist

Ekut: handkerchief

Tabak-toyok: nunchaku - rattan so faster and lighter than the Okinawan version

Latigo - whip: handle between 8 and 12 inches, lash composed of a braided thong 3–20 ft long. The "fall" at the end of the lash is a single piece of leather 10–30 inches

Improvised weapons:

Belt, bandana, handkerchiefs, shirts, towels/socks with hard soap bars/rocks, ropes, power cables, etc.