Then main focus on Weapons, at least for the first part of the year will be SEITEI JODO
This is more Sword v Jo - this will follow on from the Kukishinden Sword v Jo we did last year, and adds to the continuing practice of Sword v Sword and Jo v Jo we do
A lot of this will, again, be on the GRASS later in the Season, though we will again do JO sessions at Class to cover the specific waza and concepts
We will also look further at JO DORI, again on the mats and on Grass
SEITEI JODO is mainly sourced from the Shinto Muso Ryu
12 basic techniques - practiced solo (Tandoku dosa) - and in pairs (Sotai dosa)
Honte Uchi
Gyakute Uchi
Hiki Otoshi Uchi
Kaeshi Zuki
Gyakute Zuki
Maki Otoshi
Kuri Tsuke
Kuri Hanashi
Tai Atari
Tsuki Hazushi Uchi
Dobarai Uchi
Tai Hazushi Uchi
Kata 12 sets from Traditional Ryuha
Ippon me - Tsuki Zue
Nihon me - Suigetsu
Sanbon me - Hissage
Yonhon me - Shamen
Gohon me - Sakan
Roppon me - Monomer
Nanahon me - Kasumi
Hachihonme - Tachi Otoshi
Kyuhon me - Rai Uchi
Juppon me - Seigan
Jūippon me - Midare Dome
Jūnihon me - Ran Ai
These have been on the Weapons Board, on their own thread for two years this April, and you have already covered some of it in your Jo v Jo - come this April, when we return to Grass sessions, we can go into more depth
We will, of course, still cover BO and the sticks as NITTO short swords against these weapons, as well as look at the use of TONFA
The intention is to expand the core practice of SWORD v JO this year, while keeping up the other practice
Sword v Jo
Sword v Sword
Jo v Jo
Bo v Sword
Bo v Bo
Nitto - two short swords
Krabi Krabong
(Okinwan) Ryukyu Kobudo
(Japanese) Nihon Kobudo
So, as you can see, we don't need to be worrying about adding any SILAT weapon drilling at this time