Monday 9 January 2023


Following the detailed posting and notes from the NINPO scrolls, at the end of last year and the start of this year we are posting the KATA and details from our other main Source arts


This helps explain where the modern arts come from, the techniques and training methods

Rather than being confusing, it helps to streamline the data, giving a structure and linearity

There are no new techniques, methods, or drills, they have always been there and we have always sourced them, we just have not listed everything this way and in this detail yet

This helps those who have an interest in the History, and can be interesting and helpful to those getting to Black Belt, and those advancing through the Dan grades

Alternatively it can be useful to those with no interest in History and Lists, just to know they are there, even if you never need to reference them, or reference them in future

Some examples

KEMPO - being able to refer to a Form eg Long Five as a series of related waza, in this case TD inside a KEMPO sequence

- being able to refer to a series on a Belt level, eg a technique from Orange or Green - though we are not following the KENPO syllabus, we can use the structure, the 24 techniques for each Belt

JUDO - if we take JJ into Judo as being the throws and Newaza, with the GRACIE system being based entirely on JUDO waza, we can refer to the GOKYO, and even throws from a Belt eg the Orange belt throws, eg O Soto Gake being the first Blue belt throw, etc , the 8 throws for each Belt

With GRACIE We can refer to the Combatives for Blue Belt, the 240 for Purple, split into the 60 for each tab, the 32 Principles for Brown belt, 8 for each tab, etc

AIKIJUTSU - the projections and immobilisations that we have always done - referring back to DAITO Ryu in the Goshin Kata - we have recently covered, and will continue to practice, the five Aiki pins

KARATE - we have listed the Karate KATA as they come from the various schools, which are the "scrolls" source material and list of waza - while we will not be "learning" and practicing Karate Kata, we may be able to look at "Bunkai" applications, which are the techniques in their original for, as they relate to KEMPO - Karate Bunkai is on the NEXT list

The Seitei we already practice from the Modern schools
The opportunity to refer to some of the older schools, the JUTSU for these weapons, as we do in NINPO with KUKISHIN

The ZNKR Seitei is used in the Modern to award the Kyu Dan grades for Kendo, Jodo and Iaido - the older schools have the Menkyo certificate program based on their scrolls, the schools of Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu and Jojutsu

So during a session

With double sticks, we always cover KALI, can go to a drill from KRABI, and refer to NITTO SHOTO, double shift swords from Kenjutsu

So in

SWORD and/or JO or Sword v Jo, we can refer to DAITO Ryu, Seitei, KUKISHIN

In UNARMED we practice a KEMPO sequence, and can refer to a Form or Belt level, look at a Karate Bunkai, take a KOPPO sequence from NINPO

go to the Mat, have a Judo throw, or JJ shoot, clinch, TD, then Newaza, running through the Combatives, a RD FD Fight Simulation, Judo pins, Atemi, and use a Principle such as Pivot or Overload - we can isolate a series such as Mount or Guard

We already cover NRG from different arts, hubud, Bon Lop, chi Sao, mantis, and the nine CRA done from Hubud, so this is nothing new in this phase

KB again we already do this - Boxing on focus pads, Thai pads, Karate Kumite, Savate ABCs

So by going into this detail with the Traditional source arts, we are simply doing what we already do in the training sessions already using multiple sources to create an eclectic trading session