Tuesday 10 January 2023



Muay Thai is made up of these elements:

CHOK - punching

SOK - elbows

KHAO - Knees

DTE - Kicking

TEEP - Thrust kick

CHAP KHO - Clinching


Jab - Mat na/Mat yaep
Cross - Mat trong
Hook - Mat tawad/mat wiang san
Uppercut - Mat soei/Mat ngat
Overhand - Mat khork/mat wiang yao
Backfist/Spinning Backfist - Mat wiang klap/Mat clap lang/Kwang jag narai
Superman punch/Cobra punch - Kradot chok

Body punches are not used as they are in Boxing, due to leaving the head open for elbows and knees


Forward elbow thrust - Sok phung
Horizontal elbow - Sok tat
Elbow slash - Sok ti
Uppercut elbow - Sok ngat

Reverse horizontal elbow - Sok wiang klap
Spinning elbow - Sok klap
Double elbow chop - Sok klap khu
Jump elbow - Kradot sok

Sok can be a single strike, or a double eg jab, elbow with same hand, or jab then "cross" elbow with other hand

Sok can be used ac counter against a rising kick, knee, or body punch, as a destruction KUDAKI


Straight knee strike - Khao trong
Diagonal knee strike - Khao chiang
Curving knee strike - Khao khong
Horizontal knee strike - Khao tat
Step-up knee strike - Khao yiap

Knee slap - Khao ti/khao top
Knee bomb - Khao yao

Flying knee - Khao loi [
Khao dot - Jumping knee strike
Khao loi - Flying knee strike
Khao thon - Straight knee strike


Straight thrust - Thip trong
Sideways thrust - Thip khang
Reverse thrust - Thip klap lang
Slapping thrust - Thip top
Jumping thrust - Kradot thip

Used to defend, block and off balance, like a Chas D'Arret


Straight kick - Te trong
Roundhouse kick - Te tat
Diagonal kick - Te chiang
Reverse roundhouse kick - Te klap lang/Jorakhe faad hang

Half-shin, half-knee kick - Te khrueng khaeng khrueng khao
Step-up kick - Khayoep te/yiep te

Down roundhouse kick - Te kot
Axe heel kick - Te khao
Jump kick - Kradot te


Blocking - shin for low and mi kicks, forearm/glove shielding for high kicks and punches
Parrying punches
Evasion - including esquive for low kicks
Interception - jab or tiip, kick supporting leg