Monday 9 January 2023

THAI Krabi Krabong Weapons


A comprehensive list of Weapons from Thailand that make up the art of Krabi Krabong

As you know, the Art's name refers to its main weapons, the Thai sword Krabi and Thai staff Krabong

two swords (daab song mue) are wielded as a pair.

Unarmed Krabi-Krabong is of course Muay Boran and makes use of kicks, pressure point strikes, joint locks, holds, and throws

The sport of Muay Thai developed separately is addressed on the Kickboxing Board

The weapons of Krabi-Krabong

Krabi (Thai: กระบี่): sabre/curved sword

Daab (Thai: ดาบ): single-edge sword

Daab song mue (Thai: ดาบสองมือ): Thai double swords, one in each hand

Krabong (Thai: กระบอง): Sticks, usually either paired or used with a shield

Phlong (Thai: พลอง): staff/pole, often mislabeled as Krabong

Kean/Lo (Thai: เขน/โล่): buckler/shield - made from wood or buffalo hide

Ngao (Thai: ง้าว): bladed staff - Spear or Yari

Mai sok san (Thai: ไม้ศอกสั้น): a pair of clubs worn on the forearms - like TONFA