Tuesday, 30 August 2022

"In Steve We Trust"

 Some of you will have seen the T Shirt I sometimes wear with what looks like the Terminator's metal skull with the slogan "In Steve We Trust" across the top.

This is actually a WWF shirt, for Stone Cold Steve Austin, which I picked up in America about 10 years ago.

However it makes what looks like a cool club T shirt, with appropriate slogan: "In Steve We Trust".

For a magazine shoot one time I passed the shirt round those who were posing for different pics so it looked like about 5 or 6 students were all wearing a copy of the shirt.

A month later the mag came out.

A week after that I got a call from the editor saying people had been calling the mag asking where they can get a copy of the shirt.

So we took the joke to the next level.

If you look at the back of the shirt the print says "Austin 3:16". This is of course, a reference to Stone Cold. 3:16 is a Bible reference (John 3:16 - look it up if you want).

So we put round the story that I was in Austin, Texas on March 16th the previous year for a UFC style tournament and this shirt was made by the promotions company, limited edition, and only people who were there got a copy. The students wearing the shirt, naturally, were there for the event.

I wasn't too long before people started claiming they'd been there for the fight themselves, and had even seen it on video! One person claimed to have seen the fight on TV!

Apparently there was a UK fighter in the UFC at that time. As he didn't make much of a splash nobody remembers his name, but a lot of people think it was me. It wasn't. I trained in the US on many occasion, but I never competed there, and certainly not in the UFC.

So if you meet anyone who talks about Psycho Steve's UFC match in Austin, Texas, you can smile as you know the real story.

Or you might want to have a little fun yourself and tell them you were there - and you have the T Shirt to prove it!