Monday 6 March 2023


Going into March, with our new earlier Class Monday time, and looking ahead to Spring Camp and then evening Grass training, we can streamline our advanced training to get the progression we want


We will revisit the and expand on the Dakentaijutsu of the Kuki Shinden Ryu, both on mats and on Grass, taking Gata from the 4 scrolls

The weapons we use are from the 4 Weapon scrolls - Hanbo, Sword, Jo and Bo

The Jo v Sword is something we already plan to expand upon this year - the Ninpo Jo compared to the Seitei Jo a used against the Sword

The next progression will be further Sword v Sword - when we get round to that


Entry, strike, TD and pin series

Later in the year we can look further into Silat "gata" and progressions, some of the TD and ground series

If we cover any Silat weaponry this year it will relate to both the KALI weapons and the NINJA weapons, drills and applications - the KARAMBIT is the obvious option for those who want to explore this knife


The 2O extensions and F5 we are looking at will TD and Ground strike finishes

The 3P extensions we will look at next, and the longer sequences from F4


The Aiki TD and pins, as well as Aiki projections

We have covered Tachi Dori and can revisit - compare with our NINPO MUTADORI

We will look at JO DORI as part of AIKI as well as JO counters

JUDO pins, locks and chokes - compare to the JJ Combative cycle

JJ - continue with FS and RD in the Series - looking at the expanded options

FLOW into JJ from a Kempo, Ninpo or Silat TD

CLASS will still have the usual elements

KALI start with Double sticks

KB end with Sparring

Kali, WC, CRA, NRG drills

Drills and "gata" sequences at CLASS will be the varying factor - we will again streamline the drills done on WOOD and MATS alongside the EXTRA seasonal training done on GRASS