Tuesday 7 March 2023



What we will look to do over the Season is run a MAT session for each JJ phase, each of which has 10 techniques

Side Mount

We need to do this over 4 sessions and need to do it on a night when everyone is present and has GI jacket so these will be planned and announced in advance

You can see these broken down and listed here:


This will be the focus on the mat "bit" of the Class, there will still be other phases covered including Kali and KB


We will continue to refine the GROUND series over several sessions so will ask Members to bring GI jacket for the MAT Section

We will also be covering Gi grab defences during this time in the KOPPO Jutsu

Gi chokes SHIME are done from the 4 main positions

Side mount
Rear mount

so as we work through the Ground Bud cycle we cover the variations in Positions and apply Gi chokes

We are adding to the Strategy by covering the three areas of JUDO Newaza, pins, locks and chokes, as well as the Atemi, while we build the Advanced techniques into the Ground Cycle

The Gi chokes are practiced from front and rear in the seated and kneeling positions for practice, then refined in the proper Ground Position

Use of the Gi chokes in the Mount is Advanced as you need to have the Mount Escape Counters perfected so you can remain in Mount without using your hands to post, with proper use of Hooks and Hips - you then use you body weight to assist the choke as well as keep the pin

Mount chokes are based on Tate Shiho Gatame in their original form

If you are Upa then you keep the collar grip and apply from the Guard - though it is best not to get Upa and to stay in Mount

When Yoshida beat Royce he used Tate Shiho Gatame with Sode Jime


We have used this to help update, streamline, and refine the 3 Newaza lists:

Shime chokes


Kansetsu locks:


Osae pins:


This more comprehensive flow will help to progress what you are already doing, to what we have been recently covering, to what we will cover next

The JUDO NEWAZA will flow into the GroundBud JJ Combatives, and then into the Advanced MC series so you have no gaps and miss nothing out as you continue to build your Ground Game

As you know, we don't just isolate Newaza from a Judo throw or JJ TD, we have the option with a series from KEMPO, KOPPO or even SILAT, where we go to the Ground to flow straight to a Newaza finish - and the added dimension of using an AIKI pin if opponent is face down