Tuesday 14 March 2023

Ten Chi Jin


The Ten Chi Jin thread was started in Aug 2009 when we were first populating the Board and looking to see how much of each Art, in this case Ninjutsu, would be included in STMA

The discussion about the separate Black Dragon system has been posted on it's own thread

On the Ninpo Board we broke down the Ten Maki and made an individual post for each of the sections, as this is where we sourced the main part of Ninpo from, at least at the start - most Shidoshi use the Ten Maki to start their Dojo, and some use it as their whole syllabus for the kyu grades, to get the members to Shodan

The Kihon Happo thread was posted in 2009 as we were using that from the start - the others were added around 2012 and after

Each Ten Maki thread was revised and updated in early 2020 due to all the Grass training that Season and us having no Hall Class

The Book of Earth - Chi ryaku maki was just one thread started in 2012, revised in 2020 - we never broke down and separately posted the sets from this Book


It was not obvious how much we would source from this Book as we have a lot of material in Judo, Jujutsu, Aiki already such as chokes, locks and throws - this was just the 2012 "second phase" of STMA where we shared and added Ninjustu properly

The 9 Schools thread was started in 2013 and progressively added to


The approach we took when properly studying NINPO was to list and then work through the 9 schools, starting with the first scroll for the main six

Each school had it's own thread started in 2018, again revised and added to as we went on

The Jin Ryaku No Maki - Book Of Heaven was never listed in it's own thread and the syllabus only posted in the 2012 post above

The Jin maki is made up of the base scrolls of the 6 ryuha - this is similar to how the JUDO newaza kata for pins, chokes and locks only contain half of the waza from each of those subjects - eg if you do all 12 pins, you don't need to do the "gatama no kata" which only has five of them

Some NINPO Shidoshi start using the Ten Maki for their black belt students to get them up to 4th Dan, and as they go they may refer to other gata from the scrolls not in the book in their sessions eg Gyokko Ryu and Koto Ryu, cover over time all gata from the Shoden scroll from each school, add some Kukishin, Takagi, look at Shinden Fudo, etc

What we will do next is post the Jin Maki list of waza, which can be handy for comparison and for looking at groupings - this is no different from having a JJ session where we follow the Mount series or Guard series, or a KEMPO session where we do Kick Defences

One Shihan was using the TenChiJin as his entire training syllabus - Ten up to Shodan, Chi up to Yondan, then for his students who passed 5th dan and became Shidoshi, Jin up to 10th dan - so the TenChiJin holds everything to get you to 10th Dan at that school , a bit different to the Gracie Academy where the 240 technique Master Cycle gets you to Purple Belt

Jin Maki thread
