Wednesday 31 August 2022

 Also check out the list on Kempo Forms

Form 7 is the basis of the Kali Kempo which we covered this week - for example Five Swords done with the hands is done with the sticks and is therefore refered to as Five Storms - this is just a way of naming them for reference as we do the counts in Kali

Form 6 is the weapons defence
the first nine are Lance techniques, some of which have versions in Storm techniques, such as Clipping, whereas Escape Lance is a variation on Brushing Storm with a different ending and more variation in the extension

the first Rod technique is the Shiro Tora Rod, based on Delayed Sword, Kote Gaeshi and the punyo Pistol Whip, a hybrid of your basic skills in Kempo Jujutsu, your first Kempo technique, your first wristlock, and hubud punyo - the other four are from this form, based on West Coast Karate

There is a lot of greater dimension to be learned from the way we cross train while keeping the common threads

eg - Five Swords with hands becomes Five Storms with stix, which can be done with the machetes or the wakazashi blades - this is also related to 6 count sinawalli

eg - Unfurling Crane in Form Four, a defence against a double punch, is the basis for Unfurling Lance in Form 6, a knife defence - the Lance version has more variation in the extension, and can be applied back as an extension to the Crane version

eg Brushing the Storm, the only Storm technique in Form Five as it involves a td, is the basis for Escape From The Lance in Form Seven - the Lance version has more variation in the extension, with greater possibilities in the finish and progression

As always, I will write about these as I teach them, and also teach anything I have written about - you will always be able to use the Forum as reference to what has been happening in the training