Wednesday 31 August 2022


In the first half of 2019 we have done a considerable amount of mat training while still at the Shirley hall, and a lot of matching Grass sessions since we have been back at the Sanderstead hall.

The main list hasn't changed, though we have cycled most of it. The main focus has been the development of the NINPO, which can be seen on the updated board, with notes on everything we do including the schools, having an update to the notes on their respective threads

This has been around further exploring the KOTO and GYOKKO Ryu with their respective arts of KOPPO and KOSHI Jutsu

Though too numerous to list in depth here, they can be seen on the Ninpo board . Here is the breakdown


Sanshin Kata
KIhon Happo

Jo Ryaku Unarmed Taijutsu
Chu Ryaku Unarmed MUTODORI against Knife or Kodachi
Ge Ryaku MUTODORI against Katana


Kurai Dori


The interesting thing about KOTO Ryu is that the more advanced the level, the more simple and basic the technique seems to be. These are, in fact, advanced concepts for Interception, taking the initiative, and intercepting the intent.

We balance the practice with KARATE and KEMPO in class, and on the grass we go right to the ground.