Wednesday 31 August 2022



Sinawali even drills - 2,4,6,8 and chains
Before members go onto Odds 3,5,7,9 they will do Krabi drills - we are trying out a new format for new Phase One

Serrada - members learn largo range drills with single stick and knife
then learn hubud including empty hand
then sombrada with stick and knife
then hand sombrada
before doing 5 count, box count, and the advanced knife drills


8 step with double stix
10 step and 5 step

Krabong - jo spear - though phase one members are not obliged to acquire the boken and jo set yet, they can start krabi krabong by doing their double stix against the krabong of senior members

The stepping drills of krabi link to the unarmed stepping drills of karate


5 step kumite
3 step
kihon ippon one step
jiyu ippon one step

karate sets on pads

building up Karate kumite into part of regular practice

We will put on karate pads to do kumite drills and sparring before doing karate drills in impact along with the boxing drills before free KB sparring


As well as the regular progressive Street SD techniques,
Star block
5 step kempo
Free form series

so Kempo practice comes out in sparring, the checks become part of karate, link to the WC traps, and the BASE Free Kempo technique links, via Lop Sao, to the HIA series


As a group

Level One -
lin sil die dar - simultaneous punch and block drills
kick and entry drills

parry and gunting Entry
Jik Chun Choy - Straight Blast
HKE - Terminate

WC Kempo - series of 5 "kempo" sets based on WC forms

HIA series - 10 sets

Advanced for Seniors:
NRG drills
Chi Sao sparring
Gor sao - advanced trapping - Chi sao set one

In class after kali we will take Unarmed hubud into CRA practice - at this time we will let anyone who wants to put on the kneepads and do the Ground Bud drill - we will add in techniques in Ground Bud just as we do for CRA Hubud


There will be progressive training in techniques in each stage
- Mount, Rear Mount, Guard, Side Mount
- Reflex and Fight Simulation drills

At some point we will look to get mats to be able to do Mat Day and have newaza sparring