Wednesday 31 August 2022

STMA drill list


As discussed, this is a first draft of a list of the drills and sets we do, based on the weekly training at classes, following the structure listed in the STMA syllabus thread

This will be added to and adapted as we move forward, and should become a useful reference tool whether you are phase one, phase two, brown belt or black belt

this thread will be divided into posts for the major sections as they are practiced in class


Unarmed combat



and Taihenjutsu - stretching, conditioning, stances and walking, rolls, etc



sinawalli - double sticks
counts - 2,4,6,8 3,5,7,9
chains - 2,4 2,6 2,8 4,6 4,8 2,4,6,8
henka - sipat, stab, odd, umbrella
concepts - mirror, hi lo, Redondo, reverse Redondo
matrix 8 trigrams - HHH heaven, LLL earth, LHL water, HLH fire
- HHL mountain, HLL thunder, LHH wind, LLH lake or valley
matrix 64 hexagrams

serrada single stick
largo - entry 3, hi lo hi, third
sombrada - 3 count, five count, box

knife - kadena de mano
largo 5 cut step drill
sombrada - 3 count, five count
hubud - includes hilang - done blade up and blade down
tendensia drill hammer anvil
single tap
triple tap

largo mano - with the 3 foot largo stick, rattan hanbo
4 step
five step - add thrust

Stick disarms
Stick lox


JAPANESE KOBUDO - jo and bokken

8 step drill
jo version strikes 1,3,9, head
bokken version - 1,2,3,4,9,10, head, head

kumi jo - 5 sets

kumi tachi
suburi 5
suburi 7

KOBUDO - Okinawan

Bo and Tonfa - 8 step drill


Krabong - Jo
8 step

Krabi - daab double swords
8 step
five step

krabi single sword
8 step



boxing sets
1 - advanced combinations
2 - progressive attack
3 - defence and counter set
4 - advanced counter attack set
5 - first "MA" set
6 - kickboxing set one
7 - kickboxing set two

thai sets
1 - punch based set
2 - kick based set
3 - definitive set - round kicks and straight punches
4 - tip 8 count
5 - 12 count set

used form combinations
double pursuing kick

BOXING partner drills
five ways attack
five ways defence
Defence set
Defence and counter set

10 attack enchainments - 2 sets of 5 ABCs
5 defensive enchainments

Traditional, freestyle
- drills from karate practiced on impact pads and as partner drills with gloves

kickboxing FC rules - same targets as boxing, no leg kicks
kickboxing lo lix rules
muay thai - add knees and elbows
freestyle kickboxing - freeplay

ISO sparring - isolation
boxing v kb
box v kick only
kb v kick only

lead hand only
v rear hand only
v boxing

lead hand and leg only
v box
v kb
v kick only

kb kick only

GRAPPLING element - for the mat

Judo throws
Aikido projections
Karate sweeps
JiuJitsu takedowns - set of ten

For mat, carpet or grass

Mount series includes back mount
Guard series
Side mount series includes scarf hold

Each of these sets has ten techniques, along with the JJ td series it forms a series of forty combatives

The forty combatives in progressive order

Reflex development drills
Fight simulation drills

Advanced series
Advanced techniques in mount, rear mount, guard, side mount
Half guard and leg locks

KUNOICHI series aka ROGUE series

advanced mod on stage 5 get up
Distance control, block, frame, clinch
Push and pull dumog
tehodoki wrist grab release and counter
JJ solutions to chokes and grabs including locks and tds
Mount escape and getup
guard getup
advanced guard series henka on guard submissions