Wednesday 31 August 2022

STMA Summer Camp Monday 10th August 2020


Spring 2011 was actually the first time we did proper Outdoor Camps - the 2010 Camps were both indoors, and Baloo arranged the venues

Also note the Camps ran 10am to 4pm 6 hours - something Tigers might want to consider for the future

The planned official Spring Camp was 24 April - the Course on 17th April, the week before, was the extra "preliminary" one

This was actually when we introduced Kempo sets into STMA

We had to consider if there would still be mud

We trained for 6 hours, and brought food

Yes, we went in the Fox pub and had a pint after

A lot of discussion from Tigers about what to cover - JJ, throws an Newaza were being requested back then - Viper asked about Muay Boran, the Thai proper Unarmed phase

Tigers will note we used the Forum to discuss and agree in advance the date and what we would practice - long before we had things like Whatsup groups


Hot sunny August afternoon - most of it we managed to stay in the shade of the trees, which ran out by the last section - this was like training in Thailand or even Brazil late in the season, that hard platinum sun, ground baked dry, grass dying, earth hard, no mud - also a lot like the Phillipines, Cebu in late season


Stepping drills, mainly 8 step with the various weapons and the various mixes

Double stix - KRABI
Bokken Katana


The Kihon Happo - 4 strikes to arm, 4 strikes to torso, inside and outside

Based on Taijutsu, the first 6 waza from the Hanbo Kihongata

Tsuki Iri - ikkyo
Koshi Ori - hip break
Oni kudaki - stick oni kudaki
- neck variation
Ude Garami
Ganseki Otoshi
Kochi dori - Muso Dori


Using KF and MK techniques to practice the Concepts


8 waza for using Atemi strike and Itami pain before throw


Thai set 3 - this was more about training under conditions than the actual techniques - end of session, tired, sweaty, hot, sun on you

Goes to show padwork under hot sun is challenging and best left to evening sessions under cooler conditions for proper development

Good point for reference - if you meet one of these people who claims he has "trained Muay Thai in Thailand" point out how bad a 20 minute pad session can be in England in August, let alone under the Thai sun for a whole day

Then ask him what he thinks the words on his internet-bought shorts say

The Spring Camp is at the start of the summer season and sets the tone for the grass training

The Summer Camp brings thus all together and sets the pace for the remainder of the grass training up til Autumn

The extra hour makes all the difference to the pacing