Wednesday 31 August 2022


This uses the Chinese trigrams, which we introduce in STMA as the Kali Sinawali six count matrix, presented here as a form of divination using dice, which is a modern take on the classic Chinese I Ching

What we are interested in, from a MA POV, is how we use a modern interpretation of the trigrams in modern martial arts

In this modern interpretation, the first four elements of the godai, earth, water, fire and void, are present, while void is not, with sun and moon making the set up to six, one for each face of the dice

If you choose to ignore the divination aspect, as we do with I Ching, it is a handy guide for naming the stick sets, eg Lesser Air over Water bring called tranquil lake

I have often referenced the individual names for the drills of the matrix, Heaven, Earth, Fire, Water, Thunder, Mountain, Wind, Lake, and this takes it to the next level, so all possible combinations have a name

Those of you who are interested in divination will find this expanded dice based system a lot more comprehensive than trying to decipher Tarot - which is bad enough if you just use the 22 major arcana, let alone the whole deck of suits, three of cups, ten of coins, etc. And it ties in quite cleverly to the applied maths of the reincarnation and karma, where the roll of the dice is random. And that ties into the famous question ( also the title of a book) Does God Play Dice?

You will notice I refer to what is called physics as a branch of Applied maths

Pure Maths and Theoretical Physics I consider branches of Philosphy

And if you really like the mystical side of it, a book out called The Apple Branch: an English Shamanism, which is also really good. It ties a lot of old English shamanistic stuff to old English Martial arts, anyone who has seen Robin of Sherwood will appreciate the references.

There is a lot of Eastern mumbles jumbo tied into martial Arts, with karma and chi and lots of stuff that doesn't exist. As we are the White Tigers of the West, the British STMA, it makes sense to tie what we do back into English mysticism

For those of you who do choose to acquire the Oracle book and wonder what Option C means, there will be a post in the Off Topic to cover it