Tuesday 30 August 2022

The Captain

 This was a name I was "awarded" during my time leading a competition team.

I was, of course, Captain of the team and often got called "Captain", or "Skipper".

It occured to me that this was a good thing. Rather than being a General or Manager who sat back and gave orders I was a Captain who led from the front.

In the dojo, then and today, I am not someone who gives orders and stands back, but who works out as a member of the class. From the student's points of view, you know this training is authentic, because it is MY training. You do it with me - or I do it with you, depending how you see it.

So rather than being some distant "Sensei" I am the Captain, just a member of the team.

It's the same as being the big brother of a family - not of a higher, older generation like a Father or Uncle, just someone who's been around a bit longer and has more experience.

And of course, being Sci Fi geeks who like The Matrix analogies - each of their ships had a Captain. As did the ships in Star Trek, such as The Enterprise.
Same thing.