Wednesday 31 August 2022

Info for prospective new members


As we are getting enquiries about STMA, both direct to myself, and some via members, it is important to give the right info to prospective members.

What we do is STMA

This is not "MMA" it is STMA, Shiro Tora Martial Arts, Shiro Tora Budo Kai, White Tiger MA or even AFA - Applied Fighting Arts.
Do NOT refer to this club or art as MMA (!)

We are a private club

We do not allow people to just turn up, walk in, join in, try it out, etc. Prospective members must be invited by The Guvnor either directly via phone or email or in person, or via an established member. They will join us on an agreed night for a trial.
A trial is for us to see if we like them before we invite them to join us, not the other way round!

STMA is Over 18s

It is over 18 and says so on all our ads and at the website.

There could be many reasons:
we do is full contact sparring,
street fighting
street self defence
none of which is appropriate for minors.

But the only one that matters is that The Guvnor decides who he accepts as a student. That's it!

We most likely will not accept anybody not in their 20s anyway, unless they are exceptional, have experience, are recommended or related to a member.