Wednesday 31 August 2022

June 2015 Grass Day


Having both current Black Belts on the grass for the last several sessions has enabled me to experiment with sequencing and flowing in a way we haven't really been able too in class. Doing no kb and spparring has allowed us to focus on other phases, weapons and unarmed in the standing ranges, with very little ground and no grappling or ground sparring

This is how the old ryuha were trained and developed and how I myself was trained in them, most of my Karate having been done in the dojo, and my KB at boxing gyms

As well as Kali Kempo from the sinwalli we also played Storm series from the Serrada

Storm series is a set of 10 techniques, defence against a club attack, single stick, and applies to bats and batons

We were able to play these in order, in progression, as a series, and consider the tactics, variations, and the significance of Jujutsu and Taijutsu in context

This being done, I have now been able to streamline the Kempo sets some more

While there is only one Storm technique on the KF and MK section, and one on 3O, there are two techniques each on the rest of the sets 4P, 5B, 6G and 7B

The Storm series is progressive and also relates to the Kempo being done on that set

For example, 3O involves stepping in to block as in Five Swords or when closing the gap in serrada from largo to sombrada, breaking in on the #1 strike

4P involves knees and the use of ikkyo

5B involves either closing on the #1 or the #2 after the exercise to manage the swing, which then applies to the wilder swings of the baseball bat, a common street weapon - we then use either ikkyo on the outside or ogyaku on the inside and a long range low kick

Set 8 has no Storm techniques as it is the Multiple Opponent set

We have also streamlined and moved some techniques between the higher sets 6G and 7B for the unarmed Kempo so there is a more logical flow and progression - this is due to having been able to extensively play the higher advanced kempo sets at Black Belt level over progressive sessions

There will be more advanced Kempo on the grass this summer, and some tweaking as we are always open to change and evolution to help us as we move forward