Tuesday 30 August 2022

Member not a student


I'm sure you will have noticed I refer to everyone as "members" of Shiro Tora" rather than "students".
(Or even worse, as "my students"!)

I view members of Shiro Tora as just that - members of a family.

Although I have a 7th degree black belt these days, and have been awarded the separate titles of Sensei (Teacher), Shihan (Master) and Kyoshi (Professor) I have avoided the trap of seeing myself as a teacher and a Father Figure.

I am a student of martial arts - a student who also teaches.

In our family I am not the "Father", I am the big brother. I have been around longer and have more experience.

In "My dojo" I have members who train WITH me, not students who train under me.

In our team I am The Captain - just a member of the team, the most important member obviously, but just a member like anyone else.

In military terms I am not an Officer who you all salute, call "Sir" and take orders from. I am the sergeant - just a soldier like you, who has risen through the ranks and earnt his stripes one by one (which is all belts in MA are).

A Black Belt should not be viewed as an Officer, but as a sergeant.

Sure you respect your sergeant and obey his orders - he has more experience than you and can kick your ass! But what you do is follow his lead and learn from him. Call him something casual like "Sarge" not "Sir".

In a REAL pub, a London pub, the landlord is called The Guvnor. He works behind the bar, serves customers, changes barrels, gets stuck in and gets his hand dirty.

Sure he's the boss, he hired you, he can fire you, but he's still just a barman, even if he owns the pub.

A "manager", in one of those new franchise places, is appointed by the brewery after going on a course, wears a different shirt, a tie, carries keys, and never gets his hand dirty.

In London boxing gyms the coach is an ex fighter, and is also called Guv.

So in STMA dojo, I am simply The Guv'nor or The Captain, and you are all members not students.