Tuesday 30 August 2022

What's in a name? White Tiger - Shiro Tora

 As I'm sure you are now aware, Shiro Tora translates into English as White Tiger.

Budo is Martial Way, what we refer to as Martial Arts.

So Shiro Tora Budo is White Tiger Martial Arts.

Kai is the dojo, club, association, or even family.

So what we practice is White Tiger Martial Arts at the Shiro Tora Budo Kai.

We can refer to what we do as STMA or WTMA. STMA actually rolls off the tongue better.

Our core art is Shiro Tora Karate Do. I
am the Shihan of the Shiro Tora Karate Do.

Shiro Tora Budo is the other Martial arts that are part of our system.

STMA is not one style, it is a system of many styles.

Using no way as way, having no limitation as limitation.