Wednesday 31 August 2022

Recruitment Autumn 2022


For the first time in 3 years we are looking to recruit some new members - we are looking to take on two or maybe three people

Ideally we will trial some prospects, sign them up, and they will get their kit ordered and delivered ready for the Autumn Season

The STMA website is still running - on Google search for "Martial Arts Croydon" and this should be on page 2:


Have a go at a search and see for yourself

We also have a Gumtree ad running for the next few weeks:

have a look at that, see what you think - feedback is welcome - the ad includes a link to the website so prospects can click through

As you know, taking on new members expands the Group

Because we want to keep the Group "top heavy", the new members train with you to learn the skills and drills quickly so they can start moving up

This is the opportunity for you ALL to go back to basics and run over the details and attributes for each technique and drill

You all know Box Set One - how many of you, whether on pads, shadow, on a bag, spend time practicing JUST the Jab or the Cross or the Hook

You all know the Sinawalli chains, 2, 4,6, 8, etc - how often do we spend time on the individual sets 2 count, 4 count

We do 3 count and 5 count Sombrada - how often do we break it down into it's parts and practice the direct applications

In Kempo we do the sets eg Five Swords - when do we break down the sequence and work the weapon to the target repeatedly

Some existing online ads and reviews:

some of these go back to 2014

have a click through and see what you think

Some further advertising info to send to Prospects:

Our weapons section starts with Kali and then we include the weapons of Ninjutsu, specifically Kukishinden, which include the short and long Swords, the Hanbo, then later the Jo and Bo staff

The Unarmed section sources from the Ninpo Taijutsu, usually Koto Ryu and Gyokko Ryu, and we also cover Kempo Jujutsu in that range, as well as the Trapping of Jun Fan and Kali - we sometimes put the mats down and cover takedowns and the Ground Fighting, which is NOT the sports "rolling" done in BJJ clubs, nor is it Judo Newaza

The Kickboxing section is at the end, where we do impact work, drills with protection on and spar - it is nothing like "MMA" or any sports KB, it is more like Karate sparring to develop reflexes, timing, and distance



Kempo Jujutsu
