Friday 16 September 2022



The current class format is working so we'll stick to it for the immediate future

Start with Kali stix and krabi step

end with kb impact and sparring

Weapons -

Hanbo/largo stick:
those who have the hanbo and those who want to acquire it will be able to start specific hanbo drills, like hanbo kumi, which are specific to the 3 foot stick. There is also restraint and locks that make use of the longer stick.

With Jo there is kumi jo, blocking and striking with stepping and taisabaki at the longer range.
There is jo dori where the jo is grabbed and you apply immobilisations and projections.
These are separate phases and exercises with the jo.

With the hanbo, because of the length and range, the sets flow from block to strike to the control
It is part of ninpo taijutsu and flows like Kempo JJ

These techniques come from the kukkishinden bojutsu and takagi yoshi ryu "bodyguard" ryuha

They can apply to the longer 4 foot jo and shorter 2 foot tanjo/kali stick with some modification

There will also be more largo stick drilling, the longest range of Kali FMA

We will also look again at la canne drills with the stick, and their relevance to savate

Hubud stick lox and sombrada disarms

Karate -

kihon ippon and jiyu ippon sets
functionalise for sparring and Street

Kempo -
more development in kempo SD sets
freestyle kempo and it's function in sparring and street

more development in CRA
it's reference points in karate and kempo
doing the CRAs naturally from hubud

Grass Day:

thinking ahead to when the ground is dryer and the weather is warmer - the kempo jujutsu, ninpo taijutsu and juijitsu we didn't cover over the winter, all the tds, newaza, rolling methods

mat day:

cover the 3 ground phases and get everyone "rolling" sparring, get some flight time on the mats in grappling phase
the Judo and wrestling throws and breakfalls for those that want to learn them in their purest form