Friday 16 September 2022


new members

Traditionally we started everyone with Kali, single stick, double stick

We will do single stick largo serrada until their own stix turn up as usual - however we will start them with the krabi drills
8 step
5 step
then sinawalli 2 and 4
then krabi single stick 8 step
then 6 count

they will also get to do krabi drill against boken and jo, giving them a much fuller stickfighting system earlier on, as well as encouraging them to get the longer weapons early

krabi also relates directly to muay thai so we can have them doing thai punching and kicking as well as knees and elbows very early, leaving the more complex boxing, savate and karate drills til later

apart from, of course, the most basic karate step drill, 10, 5, 3 and star, which they will learn quickly and practice regularly

we will also streamline the waza of kempo, CRA lox and chokes and newaza, so they work a techniques and learn it before moving onto the next one

this will not impede you when working with a newbie - if you are blue, purple, brown or even black

eg kempo - you do a punch and the red belt practices Delayed Sword, and that is all he will practice - for your go ask him to punch, kick, headlock, etc, and do your response

in an advanced drill like Five Swords the yellow belt will work the first 3 moves, the blue belts will work the extension with footwork, and the purple belts will work the variations such as doing FS against Jab/Cross, and the broken rhythm

in CRA he will just work ikkyo and kote gaeshi while you work al your techniques, or the one you are currently developing eg yonkyo or hiki taoshi

in newaza everyone starts with the basic groundbud, escape mount, pass guard drill - a red belt may just work this and his americana, you can work your full mount game, guard, side and back game

all the yellow belt has to do is practice his technique and receive yours

it's a refreshing opportunity to practice an established move or drill with someone new rather than the people you've done it with for the past 2 or 3 years - everyone benefits

one of the reasons that I keep a small class and personally train every member and do every drill with them is that I can take a move I have known for 30 years and make it fresh and new again

so when I say I've done Delayed Sword or Kote Gaeshi for 30 years I mean it - I have continuously worked the move weekly for 30 years with a series of new people, each one different from the other

So take the opportunity to welcome and train with new members