Friday 16 September 2022


I have listed more of the "ninja" stuff than usual as it's the sections and schools you are most unfamiliar with and it will give me the opportunity to refer to it directly during the training session, to write about it after, and to refer to it in future classes

for example, we won't literally wear armoured sleeves and block real swords, but
you have all seen it in the Batman film,
we refer to it in krabi
in kali-kempo
it is from komugakure ryu
gyaku-to, where the sword or stick runs down the forearm
japanese jutte, blocking with tine/prong
okinawan sai
european parry dagger

so you need to know what it is and where it comes from

same applies for
throwing knife
ne waza tanto - knife ground fighting

you need to know WHEN it the sequence you COULD use those weapons and/or concepts

grab an ashtray - the ash is the metsubishi, the ashtray is shuriken
same goes for a pint of beer
hot cup of tea

tactics before technique

ku no kata - creativity