Friday 16 September 2022


Check the "Ninja" board here:

as well as mutodori we will of course focus on sanshin and kihon happo, the combat models, but with the extension of knocking the opponent to the ground and receiving the techniques by going to ground and rolling

it's not just a case of doing a rolling "Bit" and then doing the rest of the class as "combat", it's all integrated, you learn it all in context

we will look at tonko waza - although we won't literally throw shuriken at each other or get white poweder all over our clothes and faces, we will look at where the techniques sit in the tonko forms and how to use them

after all, you don't really land the KO punch, eye jab, groin kick, or cut his neck with a real knife, so you don't need to "really" throw shuriken or powder - just make it an effective part of the drill