Friday 16 September 2022


Kara Te means Empty Hand and refers to Unarmed Combat

here we have the art of karate-do of course
wing chun
hand phase of kali
thai unarmed
savate de la rue

but the term Karate fits the empty hand phase well

After progressing from weapons we start with karate 10 step drill

5 step gohon kumite
3 step sanbon kumite
one step kihon kumite
jiyu ippon semi free kumite

5 star block set
5 star step

in Street karate then goes to the kempo SD sets, and there are 150 of them to play with, and we are covering those

we are now covering the Kempo Free Formula

Base ref - lop sao
6 kinds of step
prefix kick
suffix kick, punch, palm
chas kicks
backfist, back kick

this bridges the gap between the offensive attacking moves of free sparring and the defensive moves that start an SD set

and we have karate sets for sparring and impact

set 1:
ura, gz
gz, ura
gz, kick
kick, gz
gz triple
kick triple

to complete the set of 10 moves:

j, ura, gz
gz, blitz gz