Friday 16 September 2022

Ninjutsu - Taijutsu, Kihon Happo, TenChiJin



Junan Taiso as part of the stretching and conditioning as it relates to the training

On grass day the use of Junan Taiso and taihenjutsu in onshinjutsu and gotonjutsu

Taihenjutsu movement on grass and in the dojo, rolling and walking on wood and carpet

Regular use of kihon happo drills to compliments what we are doing with karate, Kempo and jujutsu, not as something seperate, some thing that comes out when needed, the use of the long range and distance in defence

Taijutsu as it relates to savate

Later in the year we will look more into the book of earth, chi Ryako no maki, and it's relation to Kempo jujutsu

A look at some of the schools specifics in depth, and more on grass day

Shinden fudo Ryu
Kukki shinden Ryu
Komagukure Ryu
Gyokushin Ryu
Takagi yo shin ryu

Gyoku Ryu is more or less covered in the book of heaven, ten no maki