Friday 16 September 2022


The Shiro Tora approach to Karate has been to teach weapons and KB first so that you approach unarmed Self Defence from a true "Empty Hands" perspective - you ave no weapons, ou are not wearing your boxing gloves.

This creates true Functional Karate.

In the Empty Hand phase of training we have Wing Chun and Jujutsu, as well as the Kali phase which starts from hubud.

We then build up Kempo drills, kihon, Master Key, then the 150 sets to allow you to build real skill in that art at that range.

This allows the member to learn the real meaning of Kara Te Do - Empty Hand Way.

Shiro Tora Karate Do or White Tiger Karate or White Tiger Kenpo Karate becomes the highest level of your Art or Way, a way of living, not just a fighting system.

I recently posted the Karate "creed", the "Western" way of seeing Karate, a Zen style poem which captures it's true meaning.

When we do our new recruitment campaign in the New Year I may well lead with the Kempo Karate rather than the Kali Kickboxing - it's a good way to attract the "right" people.

It might even make a good T shirt slogan!

I come to you with only Karate,
My empty hands,
I have no weapons.

But should I be forced to defend myself,
my principles or my honour,
should it be a matter of life or death,
right or wrong,

then here are my weapons,
my empty hands.