Friday 16 September 2022


Cipher took my line about "bring all weapons you have" literally and brought along an exotic range of swords

though we can't use live metal weapons banging together on a course we can explore the kata and iai options - so will consider this for future courses, something we can play with in the last hour, building on "wood" drills

similarly as we used bokken today we can expand the third hour drills for hanbo, jo, bo, and then the yari spear and naginata halberd weapons

as well as Japanese kobudo we will of course cover Chinese, Filipino and Okinawan weapons concepts

Wing Chun:
bart charm dao short swords
kwane pole

Okinawan kobudo:
kama sickles
and of course tonfa and nuncha concepts

Filipino Kali
a sword based on largo movement
sipat spear
the blades of Filipino are pretty much machetes and variations, farm tools

what we did do today was see a display of sai throwing - not a bad thing, but you are probably better off carrying throwing blades such as the smaller knives and shuriken rather than throwing away a primary or secondary weapon in a real fight