Friday 16 September 2022


Kempo we will continue to take techniques and concepts from the forms, self defence sets in real time and space, against single as well as multiple opponents

We did a lot of form four at the end if 2014

Form three is grapple defences that compliment the standing phase of grappling and the Kempo Jujutsu

Form five involves takedowns, which can be set up in class, but are best practiced on grass, and Kempo ground finishes

We will also work further in Kempo free form,,and it's relation to karate kumite

Form six involves the weapons defences
Lance knife series
Storm stick series
Rod gun series

Form seven is kali Kempo, the use of sticks in combat

Form eight is the use of Kempo knives

Five swords is the most obvious drill, done empty hand, with stix, and with knives

Thundering hammers works best with stix

Returning and repeating mace work with both