Friday 16 September 2022


Class structure:

we start with stix and end with kb sparring.
we have used this structure for some time now.

We start with stix
double, single, knife - the kali phases

In the middle we work CRA.
This means the hand phase of kali, wing chun, JJ, and other CR Arts.
It means we work stix to hubud then go empty hand.

At the end we do kb.
We put in gloves and hit pads
we drill
we spar
This might be a specific phase such as boxing, thai or savate

In a 3 hour class we could work an hour of each.
As it is, we might spend an hour on one, or we might split the session evenly.

On mat day we add the element of grappling - mainly newaza drilling and sparring so we focus more on that phase.

But on a regular STMA session we will start with stix and knife drilling, put the down to do CRA, then glove up for kb.
And what we practice will vary from grade to person to session.

Which gives us more latitude in a looser structure.