Friday 16 September 2022


 Muay Boran, one of the Thai arts. It is an unarmed combat system that sits between the weapon art of Krabi Krabong and the unarmed art of Muay Thai.

Thailand used to be called Siam.
The Muay Thai we know started with the Tiger King.
There are obviously Siamese arts that predate Thai arts.
Muay Boran is such as art.

Those of us that have studied Thai arts equate Boran to Okinawan Kempo, the forerunner of Japanese karate - Funakoshi studied the Itosu and Azai forms of Kempo before he devised karate-do.

The Thai punch is called chok.
The Thai elbow is called sok.
You all know these from thai padwork.

I have a module called sok n chok which works thai punches and elbows in attack and defence, and has drills that sit between hubud and the brutal "Russian drill".

Sok and chok Boran seems the perfect Art to do at this course for the punch range.