Friday 16 September 2022


As is often the case I referred to the old ryuha and the methods used by some of my instructors and sempai, as well as kohai and students, in contemporary application

Tokyo Police using Ninja and Samurai methods:

Shihan Tanaemura applying kihon happo of taijutsu as it refers back to the roots of the gyokko ryu

Shioda Shihan applying aikido, as it refers back to the roots in Aiki Jujtusu

London Police:

My teachers Peter of Ninpo and Mike  of Aikido, serving police officers in the 70s and 80s, instructing police officers into the 90s and Millenium

my own kohai and then students, in the 90s and into the millennium serving as South London police officers, the latest being Chip, using the STMA methods that have their roots in Ninpo Taijutsu and Jujutsu